If you still have your parents spend as much time with them as you can. I would give up anything to have them back just for a day. Did we ever think there would be a day we wouldn't see them again? I have so many questions unanswered since I thought I had many more years to ask them. Or I never thought to ask.
After dad died mom and I spent many fun hours laughing at all dads quirks. He was never conscious of how good looking he was. He would find reasons to not like pictures of himself. He recycled coffee filters,hung tinsel on the air conditioner vents,or his pipes to dry them out,and used paper towels for filters,he hated to talk about WWII and his experiences,he was a true "gentle"man,loved animals,kept a hummingbird feeder,loved cars and his guns,made his own bullets for target practice his hobby,most all family pictures had a car in them more then us,jingled his pocket change when he was anxious,tore the fronts and backs off of TV guides to just have the shows,circled the shows important to him,like motor week,Carl Sagan,big bands or Frank Sinatra specials,we could never eat or drink in his cars,he kept a bean bag ashtray never used his car ashtray,he turned heads when we all went out which he hated,had one drink and "felt a little funny",parked a mile from places so his cars would not get touched,Saturday traditions he went to North Ave market and got fresh rolls hamburger and wine cheese for special lunches cooked at home,I loved waking up to dads stereo blasting "Ebb Tide"or some other favorite,he would come home from work and feel his stereo knowing we abused it all afternoon,he loved weeding out everyones "stuff" but his own,oh I have millions more "dadisms"but all for now.
Mom and dad almost reached their 50th anniversary when he died months before. He was such a character I miss him so.