Friday, September 7, 2007

For Tracy Roos

Here is how bad I am. I promised Tracy a very pink card present early spring. Last weekend cleaning out the car finally I came across a very damaged card under the seats. So I was embarrassed and probably thinking another card my post office didn't send. I sat down with all my pinks and made her a new card that will be sent in a brown paper wrapping so this one even if lost won't be destroyed by feet. So sorry Tracy,I would be upset if someone promised me something and it never came. Tracy Roos is the first "atc" I ever got and she did hers with professional flare. She became hard to live up to her standards but inspired us all!!!


Artists With Artitude said...

Hey Joy, I guess you won't get the pink slip afterall .. LOL!

dianeclancy said...

Hey - it is great looking and you sent it!! I am still waiting for cards I was promised years ago .. or rather I am not waiting ...

~ Diane Clancy

Anonymous said...

Hello Joy, I was perusing your blog and wanted to say I love the torn paper cards you make!

LINDSAY said...

Hello Joy! I love the way you pull all the patterns together! The colors play so nicely next to each other!