Thursday, April 17, 2008

Whew couldn't sleep last night.

I was sweating all night thinking of today and turning 25+25+9. Maybe it was a warm night but how often do we wind up on the brink of the big one! This really sux,I am this old? I have way too much to do and time flies on. Now that I am middle age,har har,weeks become months,and well we know the rest. I feel good,hope I "wook mavelous" and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me!


Leslie said...

Gosh, is THAT why I can't sleep? And the sweating. . . I thought it was menopause.

Big birthdays don't bother me so much. Yes, it's scary to be moved up a notch on the genetic ladder, but I wouldn't miss nor do over any of it. Well, maybe I'd do over some stuff. . .

Linda O'Neill said...

It's yer birthday?! Happy Birthday, Joy! And DO wook mavelous!

Irene said...

Happy Birthday to you and congratulations on the great collage!

lebanesa said...

Missed your birthday - and you are already ** years old. Hope you slept better having got that one over - next one is the BIGGIE ! hah! Love that collage.

Anonymous said...

Joy you are ageless and gorgeous - love the new collage!! Love Jane TASMANIA

Kelly Kilmer said...

Happy Birthday!!

Artists With Artitude said...

Belated but heartfelt wishes for your birthday, sweetheart! Wish I could leap (not sleep lol) that way!! You have such a zest for life and a passionate outlook on things, you come across as such a funny and sparkling babe -- no matter what the silly calendar says! Love ya! Cheers!

Judy Wise said...

Happy Birthday! We're not old, we're experienced!! Join the crowd. xo

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday - you young chick, I like the photo you have on your blog now (it's more whimsical), I definitely LOVE this collage, and I too feel lost when a piece I make goes out to cyberspace unnoticed - so THANK YOU too for commenting on my 'bird'.

Your blog is very entertaining!