Monday, May 19, 2008

Added a new slide show of some of my collages.

Help me decide which pic to use on my blog please! This one or the one I have on it?


Nora said...

I think the one you have on it, it has the most character and shows who you are better.

GalleryJuana said...

Came over to your blog from Neda's.

I really like the one you currently have where you're peaking out at us through your glasses.

Sharon Tomlinson said...

I like the one you already have there. But have you tried to photoshop it a little? Could be cool.

Artists With Artitude said...

I like both but I think I prefer this one because of the color/light distribution (Sharon's suggestion is right on)...Play around with that new pic and crop it if you want. I like the intensity in your eyes and the red colors.

Could you email me the solution to "our" slideshow problem? Thanks! Looking excellent!!!

cconz said...

joy, i like the current photo.

Judith HeartSong said...

I love the slideshow, may have to play around with it for my blog.... saw the comment above - is the slideshow gadget glitchy?

I like the photo you already have posted, it made me smile when I came here:)

Pink Elephant Soapery said...

I love the one you have now! That is you babe!!!!

North County Film Club said...

I like the one you have now. It's really cute.