Sunday, February 14, 2010

Caught my collages on the wall at Climate Gallery

So I can now add Climate Gallery in NY to my list of shows I have been in. I love seeing people looking at your own art in shows. I didn't add a price for the "rejection factor" lol. I am sure Dale Copeland will soon display our Internationl collage exchange on her site. I did a fun bizzare series called "Talking Heads".


Dianna Woolley said...

It's amazing to watch people viewing one's work, isn't it? A little scary but nice:)

I see that I've been here before because I recognize some of your amazing collages that were displayed earlier this year! I might have been here through Bridgette Guerzon's site...

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

How cool seeing all your art there like that...and others enjoying it! Yes Dale will have our art up soon! That will be very exciting too!

Lydia said...

Nice blog & good art. You have beautifully maintained, you must try this website which really helps to increase your traffic. hope u have a wonderful day & awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!