Thursday, October 4, 2007

the "talking heads" series

Finished my International Collage Exchange series already and am on to another collage series. This one is the "Talking Heads" series which has been alot of fun. I went thru alot of art magazines and found alot of the art looks like faces if you find the right angle. What do you think? Do you see a face? Then I added some goofy wording after I added eyes and hands.
Still waiting for the CAT scan results but am feeling alot better since the new meds for the cholesterol and thyroid. Even did a gallery jaunt today,got in 5'ish galleries. Lots of yummy art and some familiar names. Then the library,I was bookless again!


Leslie said...

How fun is this? I hope you get good results from your CAT scan, but I'm glad you're just feeling better. Hopefully, that is indicative that the medicine is working, and that it's nothing more serious.

Artists With Artitude said...

Best of luck... I love the idea of the Talking Heads. .. What are you reading these days?